Booklet making

To make booklets

The booklet making systems consist of sheet collator, Stitcher and fore-edge trimmer units. Duplo sheet collators are made in vertical shape and they take little spaces. The collated sheets will feed inline to the stitching unit then the stitched and folded booklet will feed to the trimmer and after fore edge trimming the booklet is ready to the receiving tray.

Duplo collators detect any error of miss feed, double feed or jam of the paper while collating and the system will send the error set to the reject tray and follows the operation, so the finished booklets are with no problem.

The maximum sheets sizes in these systems is 350x610 mm, so the system will make the booklet with maximum size of 350 x 300 mm with the maximum speed of 5000 booklets per hour. If the printed sheets are pre-collated in digital prints, then we use the document sheet feeders instead of the collators in the systems. Following are some booklet making systems:

Duplo DFC - 101
Duplo DBM – 150
Duplo DBM - 150 T

Duplo DSC - 10 / 20
Duplo DBM - 150
Duplo DBM - 150 T

Duplo DC - 1060 i
Duplo DBM - 600
Duplo DBM - 600 T

Duplo DSF 6000
Duplo DC - 1060 i
Duplo DBM - 600
DBM - 600 T

Duplo DC - 10 / 60 i
Duplo DBMS - F2