Obtaining the exclusive representation of V-shapes company

Obtaining the exclusive representation of V-shapes company
Totalia company has recently obtained representation from an Italian company with the brand name V-shapes. This company, which operates in the field of packaging and label printing, has created a great revolution in the packaging industry by producing filling machines in V-shapes alpha and V-shapes prime models. These machines, which are designed to fill V-shaped packages, are able to fill and pack various products in the fields of food, medicine, cosmetics and hygiene in V-shaped packages with different dimensions. Also, with the unique design of these devices, it is possible to print the logo and commercial information of the products on both sides of the packaging.
The most important feature of this type of packaging is the convenient use of the products inside it, so that by using only one hand and folding it in half, all the internal content can be removed and used.
It should be noted that the products packed by these filling machines can be both in liquid form (such as sauces, syrups, edible or medicinal oils, medicinal syrups, honey, etc.) and in powder form (such as spices, sugar, coffee, powders be cosmetic or medicinal, etc.).
Below are some of the special features of each of these machines:
Technical specifications and features of the V-shape Prime :
- Using the sachet by folding it with one hand and without
- Semi-automatic adjustment and automatic operation.
- Quick and easy setup. - Verycarefully.
- Occupying little space.
Suitable for food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and chemical products
Technical Specifications:
- Equipped with 1 packaging nozzle
- Speed: more than 2100 pack per hour
- Width of V-shaped packages: 40 to 100 mm
- Length of V-shaped packages: 50 to 100 mm
- Amount of material that can be packed: maximum 38 ml
- Machine dimensions: 1.378 x 0.8 x 2.023 meters
- Machine weight: 800 kg

Technical specifications and features of the V-shape Alpha :
- Using the product by folding it with one hand and without contamination - Equipped with flexo printing at the same time in packaging
- Automatic setting and operation
- Quick and easy setup
-very carefully
- Small space occupation
- Suitable for food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and chemical products
Technical Specifications:
- Equipped with 6 packaging nozzles
- Speed: more than 16,000 pack per hour
- Width of V-shaped packages: 40 to 100 mm
- Length of V-shaped packages: 50 to 100 mm
- Amount of material that can be packed: maximum 38 ml - Dimensions of the device: 2 x 2 x 2.5 meters
- Machine weight: 3000 kg

Insert date: 7/1/2023
417 Print