Photo album binding for Single Side Photos

The innovative Fastbind FotoMount binders, allow printers and photographers to create photo albums. In this method, the single side photos or prints should be creased then fold in the middle. The Fastbind C500 manual creasing machine is the ideal solution to make crease on the prints and can fold them with no crack. Then, using the Fastbind Mounting Sheets, we paste folded prints together and by end sheets the photos will be bind in the hard covder to make photo album. Some of the advantages of binding photo album with totalia machines are as follows:

• using cold glue
• no need to press
• to create appropriate and lay flat photo album

With the use of Totalia machines for binding photo books, it is possible to make and prepare an album with fourteen photos (seven folded sheets) in approximate five minutes. More than the high speed in making photo books, the accuracy of this machine makes it possible to create very high quality photo books.

Insert date: 6/19/2019
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